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13장~15장 2 Maccabees 마카베오 2서 2Mac.13[1] In the one hundred and forty-ninth year word came to Judas and his men that Antiochus Eupator was coming with a great army against Judea, [2] and with him Lysias, his guardian, who had charge of the government. Each of them had a Greek force of one hundred and ten thousand infantry, five thousand three hundred cavalry, twenty-two elephants, and three hun..
9장~12장 2 Maccabees 마카베오 2서 2Mac.9[1] About that time, as it happened, Antiochus had retreated in disorder from the region of Persia. [2] For he had entered the city called Persepolis, and attempted to rob the temples and control the city. Therefore the people rushed to the rescue with arms, and Antiochus and his men were defeated, with the result that Antiochus was put to flight by the inhab..
5장 ~8장 2 Maccabees 마카베오 2서 2Mac.5[1] About this time Antiochus made his second invasion of Egypt. [2] And it happened that over all the city, for almost forty days, there appeared golden-clad horsemen charging through the air, in companies fully armed with lances and drawn swords -- [3] troops of horsemen drawn up, attacks and counterattacks made on this side and on that, brandishing of shie..
마카베오 2서 마카베오 2서 2Mac.1[1] The Jewish brethren in Jerusalem and those in the land of Judea, To their Jewish brethren in Egypt, Greeting, and good peace. [2] May God do good to you, and may he remember his covenant with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, his faithful servants. [3] May he give you all a heart to worship him and to do his will with a strong heart and a willing spirit. [4] May he open y..