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나의 하나님에 관하여/나의 신앙(톨스토이)

서문 Introduction 서문 I lived in the world for fifty-five years, and after the first fourteen or fifteen of childhood I was for thirty-five years a nihilist-in the real meaning of that word, that is to say, not a Socialist or revolutionary, as those words are generally understood, but a nihilist in the sense of an absence of any belief. 나는 세상을 55년이나 살아왔다, 그리고 유년..
복음 교훈의 열쇠 I. 복음 교훈의 열쇠 I HAVE told why I formerly did not understand Christ's teaching and how and why I have now understood it, in two large works: A Criticism of Dogmatic Theology and A New Translation and Harmony of the Four Gospels, with Explanations. In those works I try methodically and step by step to examine all that hides the truth from men, and verse by verse retranslate, compare,..
무저항의 명령 II. 무저항의 명령 When I understood that the words 'resist not him that is evil' meant 'resist not him that is evil', my former conception of the meaning of Christ's teach­ing was suddenly changed, and I was horrified, not at the fact that I had not understood it, but at the strange way in which I had understood the teaching up to that time. I knew, we all know, that the meaning of Ch..
하나님의 법 그리고 사람의 법 III. 하나님의 법 그리고 사람의 법 It is wrongly said that the Christian teaching relate only to personal salvation and not to public, political questions. That is merely an audacious and barefaced assertion which is most obviously false and collapses as soon as it is seriously considered. 'Very well, I will not resist the evil doer, I will turn my cheek as a private individual', say..
그리스도 가르침에 대한 오해 IV. 그리스도의 가르침에 대한 오해 I NOW understand what Christ meant when he uttered the words: 'It was said to you: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you: resist not him that is evil, but bear with him.' Christ said: It has been instilled into you and you are accustomed to think that it is good and reason­able to resist evil by force and to tear out an..
예수와 모세의율법 V. 예수와 모세의 율법 Everything confirmed the fact that the meaning of Christ's teaching that had disclosed itself to me was true. But it was long before I could accustom my­self to the strange idea that after Christ's law had been professed by millions of people for 1800 years, and after thousands of men had devoted their lives to the study of that law, it had now been my fate to ..
다섯가지 계명 VI. 다섯 가지 계명     1. Do not be angry, but live at peace with all men. 2. Do not indulge yourself in sexual gratification. 3. Do not promise anything on oath to anyone. 4. Do not resist evil, do not judge and do not go to law. 5. Make no distinction of nationality, but love foreigners as your own people. 1. 화를 내지 말라, 그러나 모든 사람들과 평화롭게 살아라..
거짓 교리 VII. 그리스도의 가르침. 거짓 교리. 사람은 하나님의 아들이다. Why do people not act as Christ told them to, and in the way that would give the greatest bliss attain­able by man- such as they have always longed for and still long for? From all sides I hear one and the same reply, differently expressed: 'The teaching of Christ is very good, and it is true that were it fu..